MATLAB: Rotate a 4D matrix

matrix manipulationrotation

I have a 4D matrix at the moment which contains coordinates (X, Y, Z). I would like to know how can I rotate that matrix easily? I know the rotation matrices in space (these are 3×3 matrices) upon X, Y, and Z axes but I fail to do in 1 line the rotation of my 4D matrix.
If I extract a single value from the matrix, and rotate it using a rotation matrix it works, but how can I rotate the whole 4D matrix? For example I extract a value of my 4D matrix:
I make sure I have the coordinates on 1 line:
I rotate the point:
Rotz is a 3×3 rotation matrix. And this works, but how can I do it for all elements of my 4D matrix (D)?

Best Answer

AA2 = reshape(D, [], 3);
AA2rot = AA2 * RotZ;
AArot = reshape(AA2rot, size(D));
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