MATLAB: ROS Support for Matlab on Mac OS X Yosemite

macMATLABrobotrosros io

The installation file of the ROS support for Matlab does not work on OS X Yosemite. Apparently in the plists file of the package, it says "Required carbon support" – which is the old development environment that was exchanged with cocoa in 2001. Since OS X Lion the support has been entirely dropped. Why is Mathworks providing such old installers? Is there a way to install it on Yosemite? Or is it just me?

Best Answer

I just realized that this question has already been asked. Using that answer, I figured the necessary steps that work on Yosemite. I copy here my answer to make it easy for future searches:
  • In a console, go to the folder of the install file. Type the following commands, but if you are not using R2014a mac64, make sure to exchange the file names in the commands:
sudo chmod +x ROSIOPackage-R2014a_v0.1.6.2_mac64-Install
mkdir tmpMat
sudo ./ROSIOPackage-R2014a_v0.1.6.2_mac64-Install --mode console --temp ./tmpMat \
--prefix /Applications/
  • Open Matlab and enter pathtool
  • In the opening path tool window, click Add with subfolders. Hit the key combination cmd + shift + G, enter /Applications/ in the opening window and hit Go.
  • Select the folder rosmatlab and finish via clicking Open.
  • Save and Close the path tool.
  • In the Matlab console, enter
rehash toolboxreset
  • Restart Matlab and enjoy ROS :-)
I also tested it on Matlab R2014b, it works fine with the R2014a-release of ROS I/O; just change the name of the .app folder accordingly.
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