MATLAB: ROS Gazebo vision.BlobAnalysis Error

computer visiongazeboRobotics System Toolboxros

Hi all,
I am facing the problem with the vision.BlobAnalysis class for ROS beginner tutorial.
Following is the error:
Array formation and parentheses-style indexing with
objects of class 'vision.BlobAnalysis' is not allowed.
Use objects of class 'vision.BlobAnalysis' only as
scalars or use a cell array.
Error in detectCircle (line 37)
[centroids,majorAxes] = detector(imgBW);
Error in gazeboExampleMATLAB (line 29)
[centerX,centerY,circleSize] =
please suggest, how can I resolve the error. Thank you very much in advance.

Best Answer

Are you trying this in a version earlier than R2016b, by any chance?
If so, replace the problematic line with:
[centroids,majorAxes] = step(detector,imgBW);
- Sebastian