MATLAB: Root locus plot unable to see properties

root locus

The mathworks site states: "click anywhere on the curve to activate a data marker that displays the gain value, pole, damping, overshoot, and frequency at the selected point." However, clicking on the plot doesn't do anything, in other words: I'm unable to activate a data marker that displays the required properties.

Best Answer

Hi Bram,
you have to use 'rlocus' function with the transfer function as input then a window opens up showing the root locus plot.
You can click on any of the point on the root locus to see the properties at that point.
I am attaching a screenshot and also the code I used to achieve the same. It was working as intended.
num=[1 2];
den=[ 1 2 1];
t=tf(num,den) ;
Please do check the procedure and make sure you are clicking on the curve only and not elsewhere.
Thank you,
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