MATLAB: ROC curve with multiclass SVM


Hello All,
I am plotting the ROC curve for SVM multiclass(3 classes) task. Getting the error as "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 3)"
Error in ROC_SVM (line 70)
scores = double(score(:,final_best_SVM.ClassNames + 1))'; % Compute the posterior probabilities (scores)
My code is
%% Plotting ROC curve for SVM
[predictedLabels,score,cost] = predict(final_best_SVM, features_Testing);
scores = double(score(:,final_best_SVM.ClassNames + 1))'; % Compute the posterior probabilities (scores)
title('ROC Curve for SVM')

Best Answer

The number of columns of score matrix will be equal to your classes, in your case it is 3. Since you are using +1 in the following line, this issue pops up.
scores = double(score(:,final_best_SVM.ClassNames + 1))
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