MATLAB: Robotic System Toolbox not working


Thanks in advance for the help. I am trying to start using the robotic system toolbox. I have Matlab installed and through command
I can see that the toolbox is also intalled. But, whenever I use a command from the toolbox, like:
body1 = robotics.RigidBody('body1');
The error Undefined variable "robotics" or class "robotics.RigidBody" is shown. I check:
which robotics.Rigidbody
and it is not found. I check paths and all folders seem to be in the list. I also checked license:
Both matlab and robotics_system_toolbox are shown as an answer. What could I be missing?

Best Answer

Hello Hector,
Which release of MATLAB are you using? The online documentation is always on the latest release (R2017b currently), and rigid bodies were added in R2016b. Try this out, if you have an earlier version, to ensure the toolbox is accessible and licensed:
d = angdiff(pi,2*pi)
If you would like to see documentation online for earlier releases of MATLAB, please see this page.
Also, take care with the spelling and capitalization. "which rotics.Rigidbody" won't find anything, but "which robotics.RigidBody" might