MATLAB: RNG neural Network and outputs

Deep Learning Toolboxoutputspatternnetrng

Hello everyone.!
I am new in nn so that might be a silly question, but as I change the rng of my nn, the quality of the solution changes too.
For example, for a specific rng , the best setup is using softmax in the second layer, with 11 neurons in the first one. However with a different rng, the best setup is logsig in the second layer with 11 neurons in the first one. What is going on with that?Is there an optimal rng? Also, although I have formulated my output in a 1-c form, the output I get is not binary. Why? I use patternnet, with 10 input categories with 180 responses and 5 output classes.
Thank you all.!

Best Answer

GEH1 = 'Size of input and target matrices and Hub?'
GEH2 = ' Are target columns {0,1} unit vectors?'
GEH3 = 'I find it better to only look at ~ 100 designs at a time : Ntrials ~ numel(Hmin:dH:Hmax) ~ 10. I don"t recall ever having to make more than ~ 200 designs'
GEH4 = ' Too much space is wasted on statements that assign defaults. Accept as many as you can and delete the corresponding statements. goal and min_grad are the only ones I specify'
GEH5 = ' Use dH > 1 and do not use h as a matrix index'
GEH6 = 'defaults TRAINSCG and CROSSENTROPY are usually preferred for classification'
GEH7 = ' Error rates are what what you are trying to minimize. Check out some of my patternnet posts that yield error rates.'
ope tis helps.
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