MATLAB: RMSE between two variables


Hello, I am really new at matlab. I am trying to create a sub-function that has an input of two vectors and output the RMSE between the values in the vectors. Anyone can help? I would love to understand step by step. thanks to anybody that can help!!

Best Answer

‘RMSE’ of course means ‘root mean squared error’, or the square root of the mean of the squared error.
The simplest code for this is then:
V1 = rand(10,1);
V2 = rand(10,1);
RMSE = sqrt(mean((V1-V2).^2));
where the error is (V1-V2), and ‘.^2’ denotes element-wise squaring of the error (the difference between ‘V1’ and ‘V2’). The rest of the expression takes the mean of the squared differences, and sqrt takes the square root, completing the definition.
See: Array vs. Matrix Operations (link) and Vectorization (link) for more information.