MATLAB: Rise Time of Simscape MOSFET models

modelmosfetSimscapeSimscape ElectricalSimscape Electronicssimulink

I am modeling a H-Bridge to power a simple inductor in Simscape. The driving frequency is supposed to be 50kHz. (I would like to upload the .slx file so you could see it, but I didn't find the function, if there is one.)
The issue I get is that the mosfets take a considerable time to turn on. The problems are that the mosfets that I will use later will turn on much faster than in the simulation, and that apparently the rise time does not depend on the frequency, it always appears to be about 1/4 period. I have tried several models, but the one that I could make work best is this one:
The schematic itself is not that complex, it is just a square wave (50% duty, 10V ampl) into a S->PS into the mosfet. The adjustment of the duty cycle is done by a phase shift between the two half bridges. The release is r2018b by the way, but I couldn't choose that one, so I chose the closest.
Thanks in advance for any help, Ivo

Best Answer

Hello Joel,
Thank you for replying, but the error has been found just a while after posting.
We had a typo in our script that defined all our timings; I aimed for 1us lockout between the two half bridges, but by swapping the variable names by mistake, we created 1us of overlap. (facepalm).
Sorry for not updating the community, I had forgotten I posted this.