MATLAB: Rewritting to if-statement loop

for loopif loopif statementloop

I have the following code and was wondering if anyone can help me rewrite it using an if loop
ShearForce = zeros(size(PositionsForce)); %size of shear force matrix
BendingMoment = ShearForce;
for count = 1:1:size(PointLoads,1)
ShearForce = ShearForce + PointLoads(count,1).*(PositionsForce<=PointLoads(count,2)); %ShearForce due to PointLoads
for count = 1:1:size(DistributedLoads,1) %ShearForce due to DistributedLoads
ShearForce = ShearForce + DistributedLoads(count,1).*(max(DistributedLoads(count,2:3)) - min(DistributedLoads(count,2:3))).*(PositionsForce<min(DistributedLoads(count,2:3)));
ShearForce = ShearForce + DistributedLoads(count,1).*(max(DistributedLoads(count,2:3)) - PositionsForce).*(and(PositionsForce>=min(DistributedLoads(count,2:3)),PositionsForce<=max(DistributedLoads(count,2:3))));
for count = (size(ShearForce,2)-1):-1:1
BendingMoment(1:count) = BendingMoment(1:count) + 0.5.*(PositionsForce(count+1)-PositionsForce(count)).*(ShearForce(count+1)+ShearForce(count));
Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

MATLAB does not have any "if loop", and I am not aware of any computer language that does.
"for" loops have their body repeated a fixed number of times.
"while" loops repeat their body until a condition becomes false, testing the condition first.
"until" loops repeat their body until a condition becomes true, doing the body once before first testing the condition. MATLAB does not implement "until", but it can be simulated using "while true" and testing the condition at the end with "break" if it is met.
"if" executes the body zero times (if the condition is false) or one time (if the condition is true.) "if" does not loop.
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