MATLAB: Reusing Signal Builder Generator in another Simulink model

simulink signal builder

In one Simulink model, I created a signal builder generator by right clicking and going to "Create and Connect Generator" >> "Simulink" >> "Signal Builder". I would like to re-use that signal created in that model in another Simulink model.
Is there any object I can copy/paste into the new Simulink model? (It doesn't seem to let me copy the text that gets created when I created the signal builder generator (by right clicking and going to "Create and Connect Generator" >> "Simulink" >> "Signal Builder").
I also tried unsuccessfully to export the signal builder from my old model and import into my new model. (I opened the signal builder window in the old Simulink model. Then I went to File, Export to Workspace, and saved the resulting struct in the workspace as a .mat file. Then I created a signal builder object in my new Simulink model and went to File, Import from File, and tried to load that .mat file I created but I got an error saying the file 'channels.mat' does not comply with the Signal Builder required format.)
Can anyone help me with how I can re-use the signal builder generator signals in another Simulink model? I have 88 complicated signals in the signal group in my old Simulink model, so it would be very time-consuming to have to completely re-create these signals in the new Simulink model.
Thanks, Kevin

Best Answer

Viewers and generators are not blocks. One way to resolve this:
1. "Select All" and delete all the blocks in your current model
2. "Select All" and copy&Paste all the blocks from your new model
3. Save the model file as your new model
4. Viewers and generators (including the signals in the Signal Builder) are saved.
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