MATLAB: Returning the longest substring of consecutive ‘1’


I've got this question, but instead of returning the largest size of the substring. It should return the the largest substing (the string of that largest size). Could someone help me? it's just a practice problem for my test.
Given a string s = '011110010000000100010111', the length of the longest substring of s which contains consecutive ‘1's would be 4.
Write a function named longest_one , which accepts one input string consisting only of ‘0’ and ‘1’ characters. The function should return the size of the longest substring of consecutive ‘1’s. You are required to use the programming method (loops, conditional statements). The function should return the desired output regardless of the input string size .
My code for returning the largest size of the substring:
function y = longest_one(x) count = 0; y = 0; for i = 1:length(x) if x(i) == '1' count = count + 1; else y = max(y,count); count = 0; end end y = max(y,count); end

Best Answer

Get the largest:
sSplit = strsplit(s, '0');
y = max(cellfun(@numel, sSplit));
Now get the equivalent string:
largest = repmat('1', 1, y);