MATLAB: Return figure handle from a function

figurefunctionsgraphicslinereturn figures

I have a function that plots two variables and returns the plot handle. This function is currently returning a line object instead of a figure. How can I force MATLAB to return a figure?
%%Plotting function
function li = liner(a,b)
li = plot(a,b);
%% From prompt >> a =0:1:10; >> c = liner(a, 2*a); >> class(c)
ans =

Best Answer

function FigH = liner(a,b)
LineH = plot(a,b);
FigH = ancestor(LineH, 'figure');
This replies the figure the plot is created it. This works if the figure was opened before, or implicitely by the plot command. If you want a new figure in every case:
function FigH = liner(a,b)
FigH = figure;