MATLAB: Return all unique rows with unique elements

unique elements

How would I find all rows of a matrix which contain only unique elements? For example, if I have a matrix containing all 3-way combinations of the numbers 1-3:
>> x = allcomb(1:3, 1:3, 1:3)
x =
1 1 1
1 1 2
1 1 3
1 2 1
1 2 2
1 2 3
1 3 1
1 3 2
1 3 3
2 1 1
2 1 2
2 1 3
2 2 1
2 2 2
2 2 3
2 3 1
2 3 2
2 3 3
3 1 1
3 1 2
3 1 3
3 2 1
3 2 2
3 2 3
3 3 1
3 3 2
3 3 3
I could do the following:
y = unique(sort(x, 2), 'rows');
y(y(:,1) == y(:,2) | y(:,1) == y(:,3) | y(:,2) == y(:,3), :) = [];
But is there a more efficient way to accomplish this for matrices with an arbitrary number of columns?
Thanks, Dan

Best Answer

This does not work because it returns several rows which contain the same element. What I am looking for is a matrix of rows which only contain unique elements. In the above example, this is a single row [1 2 3], but in principle could be much larger. As an example, consider the following:
x = allcomb(1:5, 1:5, 1:5);
y = unique(sort(x, 2), 'rows');
y(y(:,1) == y(:,2) | y(:,1) == y(:,3) | y(:,2) == y(:,3), :) = []
Thanks, Dan
[I accidentally hit the accept this answer button. Please disregard.]