MATLAB: Retrieving data from structures

periodic tablestructure

I am working on a function for the periodic table that when I input a property and group number, the output is the requested property of the atom belonging to the requested group number. I have already created a structure for the first 18 elements that I know works. It holds the properties: atomic number, group, period, and symbol.
If I have: function periodictable(property,groupnumber), how would I be able to extract the data…if that makes sense.
>> periodictable('symbol',2) ans = 'Be' 'Mg'
>> periodictable('atomicnumber',1) ans = [1] [3] [11]

Best Answer

I'm assuming you have a structure array, yourstruct, and that yourstruct(i) corresponds to the i-th element.
out = {yourstruct(idx).(property)};