MATLAB: Retrieve Elevation Data from Web Map Server is not working

elevationmappingMapping Toolboxnasa server

when I run the code to get elevation maps (find it on the page
layers = wmsfind('*elev', 'SearchField', 'serverurl');
layers = wmsupdate(layers);
I get the warning:
Warning: An error occurred while attempting to update layers from the server,
''. These layers are being removed from the layer
array. The number of layers from this server that are being removed from the layer
array is 11. The error message returned by the server is: 'Expected the
capabilities document from the server, '', to
contain valid XML.'.
And if I try to display the layers:
I get zero layers:
0x1 empty WMSLayer
Can anyone help? This code was working on March 2017 on my computer. I have tried to make it run over several different internet connections, different computers and Matlab versions but it is never working. I have seen somebody already asked about this but nobody responded.
Thank you.

Best Answer

Hi Olga,
I believe the NASA server has changed recently which is causing this issue. To workaround this, you can try and use the following commands:
info = wmsinfo('');
layers = info.Layer;
layers = wmsupdate(layers);