MATLAB: Retrieval of Stock Price Help (explained below)

connectfetchfinancereal timescreen scrapestockyahoo

I currently have a program that retrieves stock data using
c = yahoo
d = fetch( c, 'TSLA', Last)
and I was wondering if this data is on some sort of delay and if it is if there is a way to fetch stock price data in real time off of some other resource.
Thanks for the help

Best Answer

AFAIK all free feeds are on delay; the Yahoo financial page indicates the major markets are 15 min. delay altho the indices are not delayed. I believe this is owing to restrictions placed on users of their data by the various exchanges themselves.
There are for-pay services; I have no information on any of them though, sorry. Of course, even "real time" is going to be relative; the big trading companies are using such sophisticated algorithms and getting direct access into the markets before anybody else anyway to the point of beating each other by the length of cable differences. No individual stands a chance if timing is the thing.
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