MATLAB: ‘retime’ with multiple methods


'retime' uses a method to aggregate data
TT3 = retime(TT,'hourly','mean')
Is it possible to use two methods to calculate mean and standad deviation,
TT3 = retime(TT,'hourly',{'mean','@std'}) (this does not work)
Or is it possible to have a function manipulation?
TT3 = retime(TT,'hourly',@std*@mean) (this does not work)

Best Answer

If you want to return the product of the standard deviation and the mean for the data in each time period, something like this (which I have not tried) should work:
TT3 = retime(TT, 'hourly', @(x) std(x)*mean(x))
As stated on the documentation page for retime the method input may be a function handle, but if it is it "must return an output argument that is a scalar or a row vector, and must accept empty inputs."
If you want to apply multiple methods to the variables in your timetable see the "Apply Multiple Methods to Timetable" example on the documentation page to which I linked earlier.