MATLAB: Restoring MATLAB Command Prompt after a mex file crashes.


Can't seem to find an answer to this one. I am writing a mex file and testing it in the command window. Sometimes I have bugs that cause the program to crash and the MATLAB command window then tells me I have to restart MATLAB but that seems silly because nothing in MATLAB actually stops working. so what bothers me about this is that I can't restore the command prompt to
It just stays at
[Please exit and restart MATLAB]>>
Anyone know how to avoid this or stop MATLAB from crashing together with my program?

Best Answer

Yair Altman's setPrompt can change the prompt:
But I'd strongly suggest to follow Matlab's estimation that a restart of Matlab is necessary. The effects of a confused memory management are impossible to predict and can destroy data: "delete(gcf)" can delete a file, if the reply of "gcf" is mapped to a string instead of a figure handle...