MATLAB: Restart script when user says yes

matlab functionrestartwhile loop

I have a while statement at the end of my code asking if they would like to select another choice to repeat the code, however I cannot get it to begin from the beginning of the script again, and so just repeats itself.
My code:
function [m] = AnotherTeam
m = input('Do you want to choose a different team, Y/N [Y]:','s');
if m == 'N'
elseif m == 'Y'
[team] = choose_team;
Is there a way to get this to restart the code from a specific point
Many thanks in advance for any feedback

Best Answer

Jake - you could try removing the while from the AnotherTeam function and put that in your main script. Suppose that AnotherTeam is simply
function [m] = AnotherTeam
m = input('Do you want to choose a different team, Y/N [Y]:','s');
then your main would look something like
% clear workspace and command window
clear; clc
m = 'Y';
while strcmp(m,'Y')
%Loads menu prompting user to choose a team to access data for....
%Displays table showing there stats.
[team] = choose_team;
%Decides whether to run the function for analysing all teams together or
%one team specifically
%Calculates average wins based on every season in data set
[avg] = avg_wins(team);
% asks the user if they would like to choose another team which will
% (hopefully) reset script to [team] = choose_team
[m] = AnotherTeam;