MATLAB: Resize and define the position of the colorbar


I need to resize and define the position of the colorbar.
This is my code:
ax3 = subplot(2,3,2);
ibg2 = imagesc(scene);
axis off
hold on
iim2 = imagesc(im,'XData',[16 466],'YData',[104 484]);
caxis([0 3])
iim2.AlphaData = 0.75*ones(size(im));
iim2.AlphaData(isnan(im)) = 0;
colormap parula
caxis([0 3])
cb = colorbar;
set(cb,'position',[.10 .1 .1 .1])
This is the graph i get :
I need to place the color bar in the blue box (see figure)?

Best Answer

Your position argument is relative to the entire figure, not the plot. Adjust it to be what you want it to be.
Also, including target axes might help.
scene = imread('peppers.png');
im = imread("cameraman.tif");
ax3 = subplot(2,3,2);
ibg2 = imagesc(scene);
axis off
hold on
iim2 = imagesc(ax3,im,'XData',[16 466],'YData',[104 484]);
hold off
iim2.AlphaData = 0.75*ones(size(im));
iim2.AlphaData(isnan(im)) = 0;
colormap parula
caxis([0 3])
cb = colorbar(ax3);
cb.Position = [.45 .6 .05 .1];