MATLAB: Reshaping cells: transform a 1xj cell with i observations on into a 1xi cell with j observations


I want to know the best practice to reshape cells.
Let's say I have a 1×5 cell that has 2 observations in each cell:
for i=1:5
for j=1:2
Let's say I want to create another cell that will be 1×2 and will have 5 observation in each cell (so I am reshaping the VAR cell above). The way I am approaching this, which is not working, is the following
for i=1:2
for j=1:5
It happens that for some reason the VAR_new is empty.
How can I do this properly? Thank you!

Best Answer

Hi, the .mat file you have provided is having VAR variable of type cell with size 1x5. And each cell is having 10 observations, and VAR_new you are creating using your code is of size 1x5. Can you provide more details on that?