MATLAB: Reshape the Matrix to complex number

communicationCommunications Toolboxcomplex numberdigital image processingdigital signal processingdspfbmcfftifftimagimage processingMATLABofdmqamreal

I have Matrix-like the following
%X is the complex number % complex number(a+ib) where (a) is real and (ib)is imag number
% I reshap the complex to matrix
X %(64 1) size of matrix = N
real(X); % (64 1)
imag(X); % (64 1)
Xd=[real(X);imag(X)]; %(128 1) = 2N
I want to reshap the matrix to complex as
return (X) at size (64 1)
thank u

Best Answer

Some methods to get the original (complex) matrix back:
Y = reshape(Xd,[],2)*[1;i]
Method two: indexing and complex:
Y = complex(Xd(1:64),Xd(65:128))]
Method three: indexing and addition:
Y = Xd(1:64) + i*Xd(65:128)