MATLAB: Reshape array for 256 by 256 matrix showing 16 by 256

Image Processing Toolboxreshape command

I have 65536 real data points saved from an image. I have used reshape command to make square matrix. But result I am getting is 16 by 256 . Why is it so? Can I reconstruct the image ??
This is the .txt file and code i used is
a = load('fname.txt');
y=reshape (a,256,256)
but instead of 256 by 256 it is showing 16 by 256

Best Answer

Dear sudipta,
I have downloaded your data file, and went like
y=reshape (a,256,256);
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
a 65536x1 524288 double
y 256x256 524288 double
and everything is just fine to me. So, the only possible error is that: you have another file with a name (fname.txt) in your directory which is not the same file you uploaded (1372387722318.txt). Check this out and I'm pretty sure you'll have it working.