MATLAB: Reshape a cell avoiding the loop

cell arraysreshapestrings

I have the cell for example:
a =
'0.0' '0.0'
'0.1' '-0.4'
'0.1' '0.8'
'0.2' '2.3'
'0.3' '3.4'
'0.3' '-3.2'
'0.4' '-6.9'
'0.5' '-1.8'
'0.5' '7.2'
'0.6' '10.0'
and I want o reshape it like this.
d =
'0.0' '0.0' '0.3' '-3.2'
'0.1' '-0.4' '0.4' '-6.9'
'0.1' '0.8' '0.5' '-1.8'
'0.2' '2.3' '0.5' '7.2'
'0.3' '3.4' '0.6' '10.0'
I want to avoid the loop because the cell dimensions are very large. Thank you!

Best Answer

I think:
b = a';
c = reshape(b,cols,rows,numel(a)/cols/rows);
c = permute(c,[2 1 3]);
d = reshape(c,[],rows);
should do it...