MATLAB: Reset GUI Edit Text Field to Empty String

buttonempty stringguiMATLABreset

I have a reset button on my app, and 5 edit field (text) for various inputs. When pressing the reset button, it's supposed to clear the 5 text boxes to empty strings. I've tried other suggestions from other questions (like using 'set' and 'findobj') but none of them have worked. My professor said to create a string first, then set it to empty with our code, and test it with 'isempty' but he gave no further explanation.

Best Answer

app.edit1.Value = '';
app.edit2.Value = '';
app.edit3.Value = '';
app.edit4.Value = '';
app.edit5.Value = '';
if isempty(app.edit3.Value)
disp('Yes it is empty');
disp('No it is not empty');
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