MATLAB: Rescale multiple spheres on the same 3d plot

3d3d plotsfunctionsimage analysisMATLABmatricesmatrixmatrix manipulationscalespheresurfacevectorizationvectors

I am trying to plot multipe spheres of different sizes on the same 3D plot. I'd like the spheres placed closest to the origin to be the largest and the smallest ones furtherest away. I've tried sending a vector into the function function to control how many faces the sphere will have, but I get this error. The line numebrs in the error code don't match up exaclty because I have commented out my previous attempts at fixing the problem that don't apply.
Error in sphere (line 29)
cosphi = cos(phi); cosphi(1) = 0; cosphi(n+1) = 0;
Error in BioM3D_SphereTest>createspheres (line 83)
[x, y, z] = sphere(n);
Error in BioM3D_SphereTest (line 71)
[x_loc,y_loc,z_loc, spheresXYZ{i}] = createspheres(FNA_x(i),FNA_y(i),FNA_z(i), n(i,1));
Below is my code. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
A = [0,0,0;0.00977495601952172,0.0129188554738323,0.999868768093125;-0.566794094824837,-0.823750570492204,0.0133959578031223;0.0279587435128966,0.0380588867245362,1.99938731654588;0.830388266617646,0.583999369869120,0.978401571089338;-1.07826433834531,-1.64452537544960,0.267810795303313;0.168715496407312,0.263085998125572,2.96351922435162;-0.791458202545459,0.611268411797120,0.998070417818667;-1.41124221175034,-0.289407593850698,0.0506110237693017;1.69942938355116,1.04462646221878,1.15892918358242;-1.55216375501531,-2.44987966243271,0.623934110066297;0.188310075544404,0.501770043093754,3.93441879647330;-1.44603145623221,1.35107113546187,1.15371676572365;-2.35391403973316,0.0183196401577155,0.179737992978120;2.59879677816763,1.38804628951095,1.42948622326796;-1.92629974765512,-3.28302931738291,1.03122259685150;0.190461468181228,0.731318108759712,4.90771374511875;-2.01837467713375,2.14014570650778,1.37684130228734;-3.30531517848174,0.217844651708771,0.414313445558867;3.50709118523837,1.65551615551852,1.75113998255253;-2.23204460424917,-4.13488361866807,1.45650407075820;0.193343935566412,0.934427321909631,5.88686559182864;-2.51244231909718,2.97180232130260,1.63030617210704;-4.25650570961388,0.357419056329789,0.689550723301627;4.41845060685608,1.87363023778730,2.10021053665969];
x = A(:, 1);
y = A(:, 2);
z = A(:, 3);
% Create Hemisphere Domain
[x_dom,y_dom,z_dom] = sphere(80); %Create Sphere
x_dom = x_dom(41:end,:); % Keep top 41 x points
y_dom = y_dom(41:end,:); % Keep top 41 y points
z_dom = z_dom(41:end,:); % Keep top 41 z points
hemisphere_radius = 80;
Hemi_sf = surf(hemisphere_radius.*x_dom,hemisphere_radius.*y_dom,hemisphere_radius.*z_dom, 'FaceColor','#4DBEEE','EdgeColor', 'none');
alpha 0.2 %Sets transparency of boundary hemisphere
axis equal
x_ax_lab = xlabel('x axis', 'Color', '#4DBEEE');
y_ax_lab = ylabel('y axis', 'Color', '#4DBEEE');
z_ax_lab = zlabel('z axis', 'Color', '#4DBEEE');
% Plot Outerboundary Circular Plane
x_c = 0;
y_c = 0;
z_c = 0;
radii_plane = 80;
radii_vein = 1;
center_plane = [x_c, y_c]; % center point of circular plane
viscircles(center_plane, radii_plane, 'color', '#77AC30');
hold on
SizeofA = size(A,1);
FNA_x = A(:, 1);
FNA_y = A(:, 2);
FNA_z = A(:, 3);
n = [6.96370042788934;5.96370042788934;5.96370042788934;4.96375547570639;5.55378214243664;4.97904924545806;3.98374650974911;5.55083110747708;5.52220023318542;4.65666303595053;3.99715084015465;2.99294670513842;4.67296636191766;4.60286314806927;3.68897172789716;3.02005588750933;1.99814346506139;3.71566225784534;3.62540440258680;2.70847851108481;2.04428077071202;1;2.74447376195869;2.63691531214705;1.72499063143428];
% Create Spheres
for i = 1:SizeofA
[x_loc,y_loc,z_loc, spheresXYZ{i}] = createspheres(FNA_x(i),FNA_y(i),FNA_z(i), n(i,1));
h(i) = surf(x_loc, y_loc, z_loc,'FaceColor', 'k');
function [X,Y,Z,spheresXYZ] = createspheres(spherex, spherey, spherez, n)
[x, y, z] = sphere(n);
X = (x+spherex);
Y = (y+spherey);
Z = (z+spherez);
spheresXYZ = [X,Y,Z];

Best Answer

On the first iteration of the i-loop, n equals 6.9637.... This value is passed to sphere(n) and, as the error message indicates,
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
n is not an integer. In the function sphere(n), n determines the size of the outpus which can be understood as the resolution of the sphere. Matrix sizes must be positive integers.
Demo 1
To scale the size of the unit-spheres produced by sphere(n), simply multiply the x,y,z outputs by a scaling factor.
[x,y,z] = sphere(20);
hold on
axis equal
grid on
Demo 2
Scale the size of n randomly placed spheres based on their distance from (0,0,0), marked by a black +.
rng(999) % for reproducibility purposes
nSpheres = 10; % Number of spheres
maxEccentricity = 100; % max distance of sphere center from (0,0)
[x,y,z] = sphere(20);
colors = jet(nSpheres);
hold on
grid on
box on
for i = 1:nSpheres
az = rand(1)*2*pi;
el = rand(1)*pi - (pi/2);
radius = randi(maxEccentricity+1)-1;
[sx,sy,sz] = sph2cart(az,el,radius);
surf(x*radius/3+sx, y*radius/3+sy, z*radius/3+sz, 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'FaceAlpha', .6, 'EdgeAlpha',.3);
axis equal
view([-46.943, 11.247])