MATLAB: Resampling DEM using imresize in a for loop = cell array

for loopimresizeresampling

I have a replicated, 20 'layer' DEM datacube 2380x1707x20 and want to iteratively decrease the grid resolution of each layer, while passing all outputs into a single object. It's a scaling exercise to compare resampling with smoothing.
imresize() function works well for decreasing the grid rez, and because each for loop output contains different dims I assume passing them into a single cell array is the way to go. But my approach and/or notation is off… help?
n = 1:1:20;
for i=1:n
out{i} = imresize(rast(:,:,i), 1/i, 'Method', 'box');
Cell contents assignment to a non-cell array object.

Best Answer

What is out before the loop starts?
You should preallocate it as a cell:
out = cell(3,1);
for ii = 1:3
out{ii} = imresize(rand(randi(100)),0.25);