MATLAB: Resample matrix by distance

3ddistancefrequencyMATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematrixresample

I need to resample a matrix [x,y,z,rad,dist] by the distance. This is a non constant frequency.
I want a frequency of 0,1 mm per sample. For now i have a distance of 162,2 mm over 118 samples, but this can vary by every single file.
I want an automatic file which resamples the matrix to a sample frequency of 0.1 mm per sample.
Can I maybe make a for loop with the resample method? And how should it look like?

Best Answer

Since you have approximately 1.5 mm between samples on average you will have to do some re-interpolation of your data. This works provided the assumption that the interpolation-scheme is reasonable for your data. That is up for you to check/verify/demonstrate/argue/show/assume. This can be done something like this:
sample_dist = your_data(:,5);
dist_interp = min(sample_dist):0.1:max(sample_dist);
if dist_interp(end) < max(sample_dist)
dist_interp(end+1) = max(sample_dist);
data_reinterp = interp1(sample_dist,your_data,dist_interp,'pchip');
This works provided dist varies monotonically.