MATLAB: Resample gives dimension error

resampleSignal Processing Toolbox

When I use the resample function, I get a dimension error. Here is the example used in the MATLAB help file, with the output:
fs1 = 10; % Original sampling frequency in Hz
t1 = 0:1/fs1:1; % Time vector
x = t1; % Define a linear sequence
y = resample(x,3,2); % Now resample it
Error using + Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in firls (line 161) b = b + (F(s+1)*(m*F(s+1)+b1)*sinc(2*k*F(s+1)) …
Error in resample (line 85) h = p*firls( L-1, [0 2*fc 2*fc 1], [1 1 0 0]).*kaiser(L,bta)' ;

Best Answer

I'm not sure if you have a non-MathWorks' (modified) version of firls(), but the code you entered above should work:
fs1 = 10;
t1 = 0:1/fs1:1; % Time vector
x = t1; % Define a linear sequence
y = resample(x,3,2); % Now resample it
Can you clear you workspace and copy and paste the above?
If you enter
>>which firls
Do you get something back like:
Also, which version of MATLAB are you using?