MATLAB: Reproducing the “Evaluate” function from “basic fitting” GUI directly in code

basic fitting

Hello Community,
When using the "basic fitting" tool, one has the opportunity once the "fitting" done to evaluate/estimate a value at certain points. I was only able to reproduce this until the plotting part. I cannot figure out how to reproduce the "Evaluate" function programmatically so that I can estimate the value of certain points and use them in my code. The only way I can achieve this for now, is through the GUI i.e from the Figure window's main menu: "tools >> basic fitting" (see picture link)
I am not sure I am making myself clear enough, but please do not hesitate to ask if you need more information.
Thank you

Best Answer

You can use the polyfit function to fit your data programatically. You can then use polyval to evaluate the polynomial at a given point.