MATLAB: Representing 8 bits per element


In the previous post
walters comment
Remember, comp is representing binary, and so is 1 bit per element, whereas your original data is at least 8 bits per element.
now how to represent binary element as 8 bits per element
binary values are stored in comp

Best Answer

Provided your vector comp is an exact multiple of 8 long:
x = comp; %just to make the writing shorter
uint8( x(1:8:end) * 128 + x(2:8:end) * 64 + x(3:8:end) * 32 + x(4:8:end) * 16 + x(5:8:end) * 8 + x(6:8:end) * 4 + x(7:8:end) * 2 + x(8:8:end) )
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