MATLAB: Represent a volume given two surfaces

volume visualization

I have two surfaces given by the grids X, Y, Z1 and X, Y, Z2. Both Z grids share the same X and Y grids. I can plot each Z surface, but I'd like to represent the space between them as a solid mass. Is there a way to represent the space between these two Z surfaces a simple volume akin to a patch or a fill in 2D space?

Best Answer

Saturday EDIT: I took 5 minutes to build an example closer to your case; see the new section after my initial answer.
=== Initial answer.
The issue is to locate the boundary. Once you have it, it's easy: here is an example assuming that the boundary is known (cylinder with octagonal base):
% - Define (x,y) base and z for the example.
Xbnd = [2 1.41 0 -1.41 -2 -1.41 0 1.41 2].' ;
Ybnd = [0 1.41 2 1.41 0 -1.41 -2 -1.41 0].' ;
Z1bnd = rand(size(Xbnd)) ; Z1bnd(end) = Z1bnd(1) ;
Z2bnd = 1 + rand(size(Xbnd)) ; Z2bnd(end) = Z2bnd(1) ;
% - Define patches nodes (from now on, it is no more specific to the example).
Xdata = [Xbnd(1:end-1), Xbnd(2:end), Xbnd(2:end), Xbnd(1:end-1)].' ;
Ydata = [Ybnd(1:end-1), Ybnd(2:end), Ybnd(2:end), Ybnd(1:end-1)].' ;
Zdata = [Z1bnd(1:end-1), Z1bnd(2:end), Z2bnd(2:end), Z2bnd(1:end-1)].' ;
% - Plot patches.

patch(Xdata, Ydata, Zdata, 'm') ;
rotate3d ; % Enable 3D rotations with the mouse

% in the figure.

As you are dealing with a grid (even if nodes are irregularly spaced, as it doesn't alter the topology), one option for determining the boundary is to work with the image processing toolbox on a BW image generated with ~isnan(Z). Once you get row/col IDs of pixels of the boundary using BWBOUNDARIES [ 1, 2 ], you can use them to select corresponding elements in X, Y, Z1, and Z2.
So you could start trying doing something like (assuming that the nan values are in Z1 and/or Z2):
BW = ~(isnan(Z1) | isnan(Z2)) ;
BW_filled = imfill(BW, 'holes') ;
boundaries = bwboundaries(BW_filled) ;
then maybe filter out unwanted boundaries, or keep the longest one. Finally, you would have something like
Xbnd = X(sub2ind(size(X), boundary(:,1), boundary(:,2))) ;
Ybnd = Y(sub2ind(size(Y), boundary(:,1), boundary(:,2))) ;
where boundary equals boundaries{k} for k the index of the longest boundary, or for all k if you iterate over boundaries.
=== Example closer to your case.
close all ; clear all ; clc ;
% - Build demo X, Y, Z1, Z2.
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:10, 1:10) ;
X = X + rand(10) - 0.5 ;
Y = Y + rand(10) - 0.5 ;
Z1 = sin(X) .* cos(Y) ;
Z2 = X + Y.^2/10 ;
idNaN = (X-5).^2 + (Y-5).^2 > 3^2 ; % Set Z1 to NaN around approx.
Z1(idNaN) = NaN ; % disk shape.
% - Get boundary.
BW = ~(isnan(Z1) | isnan(Z2)) ;
BW_filled = imfill(BW, 'holes') ;
boundaries = bwboundaries(BW_filled) ;
boundary = boundaries{1} ; % Only 1 boundary in this trivial example.
% - Define x,y,z1,z2 values on the boundary.
Xbnd = X(sub2ind(size(X), boundary(:,1), boundary(:,2))) ;
Ybnd = Y(sub2ind(size(Y), boundary(:,1), boundary(:,2))) ;
Z1bnd = Z1(sub2ind(size(Z1), boundary(:,1), boundary(:,2))) ;
Z2bnd = Z2(sub2ind(size(Z2), boundary(:,1), boundary(:,2))) ;
% - Define patches nodes.
Xdata = [Xbnd(1:end-1), Xbnd(2:end), Xbnd(2:end), Xbnd(1:end-1)].' ;
Ydata = [Ybnd(1:end-1), Ybnd(2:end), Ybnd(2:end), Ybnd(1:end-1)].' ;
Zdata = [Z1bnd(1:end-1), Z1bnd(2:end), Z2bnd(2:end), Z2bnd(1:end-1)].' ;
% - Plot patches.
patch(Xdata, Ydata, Zdata, 'm') ;
rotate3d ; % Enable 3D rotations with the mouse
% in the figure.
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