MATLAB: Replacing variable names when using func2str of anonymous function

anonymous functionMATLAB

I have an anonymous function, say
f=@(x,y) x+y;
I can name the function using func2str:
ans =
What if I want to get the function name with different names for the anonymous variables x,y. Say replacing x,y with the strings 'Small', 'Large' to yield:
This becomes more tricky if the function has x or y also as non-variables. say for the case of f(x) x+'x', the correct answer will be '@(Small)Small+'x''

Best Answer

As I suggested, it's possible to do this with the undocumented mtree function:
function fstr = replacevar(fstr, vars, replacements)
%fstr: the code of an anomymous function (obtained with str2func). This code is only designed to work with anonymous functions.
%vars: a cell array of variable names to replace
%replacements: a cell array of replacement names
tree = mtree(fstr); %parse the function and get parse tree. Note that mtree is completely undocumented
fvars = tree.strings; %portion of the function that correspond to each parsed element. Includes variables and non-variables for now
[isrep, whichrep] = ismember(tree.strings, vars); %do any of the potential variable match one to be replace and which one?
toreplace = strcmp(tree.kinds, 'ANONID') & isrep(:); %replace elements that are ANONID (input variables of the anonymous function) and match a replaced variables
fvars = fvars(toreplace); %filter the list of potential variables to keep only the ones to be replaced
whichrep = replacements(whichrep(toreplace)); %get matching replacements
varloc = tree.position; %start position of variables in the strings (not sure it's the correct property but appears to be right)
varlength = cellfun(@numel, fvars); %couldn't find a length property in tree. get it from fvars instead
splits = [varloc(toreplace)'; varloc(toreplace)' + varlength]; %compute where to split fstr to isolate the variables
fsplit = mat2cell(fstr, 1, diff([1; splits(:); numel(fstr)+1])); %do the splitting every even element is a variable to replace
fsplit(2:2:end) = whichrep; %do the replacing
fstr = [fsplit{:}]; %and merge back
Of course, since mtree is completely undocumented, it's possible it breaks on some inputs and may stops working in future versions. Use at your own risk, but it appears to do the job correctly:
>> replacevar('f = @(x, yyz) strrep(x, ''x'', yyz)', {'x', 'yyz'}, {'str', 'reps'})
ans =
'f = @(str, reps) strrep(str, 'x', reps)'