MATLAB: Replacing null value with NaN

convertnannull value

I have built a 4D cell (called B), and some of the matrixes included on it ( [11×6 single]) have null values (1e20) which I want to get rid of.
First I've tried this inside of my for cycle, where a and m are iterating:
B(B{1,1,a,m}>1e19) = NaN;
and, Matlab "complained" saying that "Conversion to cell from double is not possible."
Then I tried this: B(B>1e19) = NaN, and Matlab once again pointed out error saying "Undefined function 'eq' for input arguments of type 'cell'.".
Could anyone explain me, how can I replace null values by NaN, in a 4-D cell? I'de be VERY thankfull for help!

Best Answer

B{1,1,a,m}(B{1,1,a,m}>1e19) = NaN;