MATLAB: Replacing 0 with NaN by indexing into a matrix


I have a data matrix called 'data' of 84761 x 11. (a small selection of the data is attached).
I am able to allocate column variable into arrays e.g. column 10 = WindDirec with DD1 = data(:,10).
I can then replaces the 0 values with NaN by: DD1(DD1==0)=NaN.
Is there a way to do this without first assigning column variables to arrays? I would like to index into the matrix 'data' and replaces all 0 values in column 10 with NaNs.
data(data(:,10)==0)=NaN; replaces the values in the first column with NaN, given by the index provided by where column 10 = 0;
How do I index to column 10 to then replace the 0's with NaNs?
Thank you Jenny

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