MATLAB: Replace Signal in Signal Builder from csv-file

csvhelpimport csvimport dataimport signal datasignalsignal buildersimulink

How can I replace a csv-file with an other csv-file?
Because every try from me failed and the old imported signals weren't replaced by the new ones.
is there a way to do this or do i have to create a new block every time I want to inset a new csv-file?
thank you for your help

Best Answer

Hi Tobias,
If your signal builder block contains data from an existing CSV file, you can replace it with data from a new CSV file with these steps:
1) Open the signal builder block and click File > Import from file. Browse to the new CSV you would like to import.
2) In the "Data to Import" window, select all.
3) In the "Placement for Selected Data" menu, choose "Replace existing dataset". Then, click "Confirm Selection". Click "OK".
4) In the "Import File" window that pops up, select "No, import without saving".
I am not sure what release you are using, but these steps work for me in the current release, MATLAB R2017b.
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