MATLAB: Replace group of special character with a single character

MATLABstring manipulation

Hello everyone,
I have a question related to regular expression. Let's say I have the following string:
str = vertcat(...
"Whose woods |||||| these are I think I know.", ...
"His house is in the village though;", ...
"He will not see ||| me stopping here", ...
"To '|' watch his woods fill up with snow.")
And I am looking for a new string as in the following:
str = vertcat(...
"Whose woods X these are I think I know.", ...
"His house is in the village though;", ...
"He will not see X me stopping here", ...
"To 'X' watch his woods fill up with snow.")
I have done this task using some hard code to find the '|' clusters and replacing by 'X'
ind = strfind(str,'|')
% ...
However, I have been checking regexp and regexprep, and I believe this is doable using one of this functions in a single line.

Best Answer

regexprep(str, '\|+', 'X')