MATLAB: Replace element in matrix with matrix

MATLABmatrix element replacement and shift

i have a matrix say example
with expansion factor 3 i.e each element in matrix should be replaced by the identity matrix of order 3×3 and depending on matrix element it will circular shift by the lement of matrix
e.g i have a matix [2 1 0,-1 0 2, 1 0 0] >>>>>>> -1 will be replaced by all zero matrix of order 3×3
>>>>>> 0 will be the identity matrix of order 3×3; 1 is the identity matrix of order 3×3 but circ shift by 1 && 2 the identity matrix of order 3×3 cirshift by 2
please let know any ideas to do this

Best Answer

(written on mobile, untested code)
Out=cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x) circshift(eye(3),x),'UniformOutput', false));