MATLAB: Replace buttons

deleteguipush button

I have a function which creates buttons in my gui when I load data. The number of buttons depend on the size of the XTickLabels and YTickLabels. If I load some other data I want that the buttons from the first data disappear and are replaced by the new amount of buttons. Don't now how I can remove the buttons and how the function knows if there are buttons or not. Here is the code of the button-creation:
s = size(x,2);
breiteQuadrat = 625/s
for n=1:s
handles.b{n}=uicontrol('Style','PushButton','Units','pixels', 'Position',[125-breiteQuadrat/2-5+breiteQuadrat*n 40 10 10],'Visible','on','Callback',@(obj,event)msgbox(num2str(n),num2str(n)));
t = size(y,2);
hoeheQuadrat = 625/t
for n=1:t
handles.c{n}=uicontrol('Style','PushButton','Units','pixels', 'Position',[40 125-hoeheQuadrat/2-5+hoeheQuadrat*n 10 10],'Visible','on','Callback',@(obj,event)msgbox(num2str(n),num2str(n)));

Best Answer

To detect if the buttons are in the figure
To remove all the buttons
Also look at your previous question, if the answer is what you wanted (seems to be) please accept it.