MATLAB: Replace arrays of a matrix with a vector

replace matrix elements

I have a matrice R like :
I need to change 3 array of R:
c=[1 1;3 2;1 2];
with new values in this vector:
Newvalue=[ 3 7 9];
So the final result is :
R=[3 9 0;0 0 0;0 7 0]
I know that I can do it easily with a For loop to check every element and replace new value.
But I want to vectorize this, i.e. with no loop.

Best Answer

Read about sub2ind.
c=[1 1;3 2;1 2];
Newvalue=[ 3 7 9];
% get global indices
idx = sub2ind(size(R),c(:,1),c(:,2)) ;
R(idx) = Newvalue