MATLAB: Replace a specific portion of a string


I have a cell array of strings,
'SPY US 09/17/11 P118 Equity'
'XOM US 08/20/11 P72.5 Equity'
'AAPL US 12/17/11 P375 Equity'
I would like to keep the left side and the right side but replace the dates all into say 01/01/11. So the output could be:
'SPY US 01/01/11 P118 Equity'
'XOM US 01/01/11 P72.5 Equity'
'AAPL US 01/01/11 P375 Equity'
Anyone know a quick way? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

cs = {'SPY US 09/17/11 P118 Equity'
'XOM US 08/20/11 P72.5 Equity'
'AAPL US 12/17/11 P375 Equity'};
regexprep(cs, '\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{2}','01/01/11')