MATLAB: Replace a missing string in a table

missing valuesstringstable

I want to replace all missing strings in a table with a string of my choice, say 'unknown'. I use R2016a (without an upgrade option), so functions like fillmissing are not available to me, in case they could be of help. Eg:
dblVar = [NaN; 3; 7; 9];
cellstrVar = {'one'; 'three'; ''; 'nine'};
categoryVar = categorical({''; 'red'; 'yellow'; 'blue'});
A = table(dblVar, cellstrVar, categoryVar)
A =
dblVar cellstrVar categoryVar
______ __________ ___________
NaN 'one' <undefined>
3 'three' red
7 '' yellow
9 'nine' blue
I would like to end up with this:
A =
dblVar cellstrVar categoryVar
______ __________ ___________
NaN 'one' unknown
3 'three' red
7 'unknown' yellow
9 'nine' blue
Note I also replaced the categorical '<undefined>' as well, if you can please include in your answer.
Is there a way to do this without changing A's structure, eg from table to cell, in the process? The reason I want to avoid the transformation is my table is large, and transformation may cause memory issues.
Edit to add: the location of the missing string value has to be identified as well, there may be several such columns in the table.
Many thanks.

Best Answer

This should work:
dblVar = [NaN; 3; 7; 9];
cellstrVar = {'one'; 'three'; ''; 'nine'};
categoryVar = categorical({''; 'red'; 'yellow'; 'blue'});
cellstrVar2 = {'four'; 'none'; '7'; ''};
A = table(dblVar, cellstrVar, categoryVar, cellstrVar2);
varNames = A.Properties.VariableNames;
for ii = 1:numel(varNames)
if iscellstr(A{1,varNames{ii}})
undefloc = strcmp(A.(ii), '');
A{undefloc, ii} = cellstr('unknown');
if iscategorical(A{1, varNames{ii}})
undefloc = isundefined(A{:,ii});
A{undefloc, ii} = categorical(cellstr('unknown'));
A =
dblVar cellstrVar categoryVar cellstrVar2
______ __________ ___________ ___________
NaN 'one' unknown 'four'
3 'three' red 'none'
7 'unknown' yellow '7'
9 'nine' blue 'unknown'
You can use the undefloc variable to find where things were undefined or empty strings.
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