MATLAB: Replace a double in a array with a string BUT in specific Columns

double to sting

Suppose the matrix is
A = [ 0.5 2 3 2.5 1 1
0.6 1 2 2.4 2 3
0.2 2 3 2.3 3 2]
My question is to replace 1 with so-so, 2 with Bad and 3 with good in 2nd and 3rd columns, and 1 with so-so, 2 with Bad and 3 with good in 5th and 6th column. I try to use num2cell, but cannot find out the way.
The output looks like this:
A = [ 0.5 bad good 2.5 so-so so-so
0.6 so-so bad 2.4 bad good
0.2 bad good 2.3 good bad]

Best Answer

>> AA = string([ 0.5 2 3 2.5 1 1
        0.6 1 2 2.4 2 3
        0.2 2 3 2.3 3 2])
    A = strrep(AA(:,[2 3 5 6]),'1','so-so');
    A = strrep(A(:,1:4),'2','bad');
    A = strrep(A(:,1:4),'3','good');
    AA(:,[2 3 5 6])=A;
AA = 
    3×6 string array
      "0.5"    "2"    "3"    "2.5"    "1"    "1"
      "0.6"    "1"    "2"    "2.4"    "2"    "3"
      "0.2"    "2"    "3"    "2.3"    "3"    "2"
A = 
    3×6 string array
      "0.5"    "bad"      "good"    "2.5"    "so-so"    "so-so"
      "0.6"    "so-so"    "bad"     "2.4"    "bad"      "good" 
      "0.2"    "bad"      "good"    "2.3"    "good"     "bad"  