MATLAB: Replace 0 with NaN for specific column in a matrix within cell


my data is of 1×12 cells and 600×4 matrix in each cell but i want to replace 0 with NaN only in 4th column of matrix in each cell data{1,t}(data{1,t}(:,4)==0)=0 this command doesnt convert 0 to NaN While if i try this: data{1,t}(data{1,t}==0)=0 it converts 0 from all columns to NaN which is not desirable

Best Answer

% Some test data:
data = cell(1, 12);
for k = 1:12
data{k} = randi([0,2], 600, 4);
% Replace 0 by NaN in 4th column:
for k = 1:numel(data)
col4 = data{k}(:, 4);
col4(col4 == 0) = NaN;
data{k}(:, 4) = col4;