MATLAB: Repeating stair sequence does not hold value when plotting on MATLAB

continuousholdplotrepeating stair sequencescope block on simulinksimulink

I am trying to plot an output response when there is set point changes. I have used a repeating stair with a sample time of 1000 seconds to add a step change every 1000 seconds. The graphical output on the scope block on simulink is as expected (graph 1), however, I have then tried to plot the graph in MATLAb with two yaxis and the repeating stair value plots for every value at 1000 seconds (2nd graph). I understand this is becuase the variable in the workspace only has a value for every 1000th second, is there anyway I can get the repeating stair sequence to hold the value until the next value?
Graph 1:
Graph 2:
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

try the stairs() instead of plot()?
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