MATLAB: Repeating sequence Error

repeating sequencesimulink

Hi all, I am following a tutorial where Repeating Sequence source is used to generate the input. I have done the following configuration:
Time values: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] Output values: [1 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 10]
The scope shows:
I was expecting to see Output values on Y axis. Is it a bug or Am I wrong?
Thank everyone
-Matlab 2015b 32bit-

Best Answer

This is expected behavior only. The execution depends on step size used to simulate the block, change the solver step size in configuration settings:
Solver option -> Type: Fixed-step
Fixed step-size: change from auto to 1
You will get output as you expected.
In your case it looks like solver type is variable-step in which solver adjusts step size to compute for results so the behavior is like that.
For more details on how block works you can check this link: