MATLAB: Repeating a sequence of code

MATLABrepeating codesrepeating loops

I am working on an assignment for a class, I have a program written as follows,
disp(' Choose an Option Below ');
disp(' 1 Convert Decimal Number to Binary Number');
disp(' 2 Convert Binary Number to Decimal Number');
disp(' 3 Exit');
n = input(' Enter Option Number You Desire: ');
switch n
case 1
fprintf(' Convert Decimal Number to Binary Number\n');
a = input(' Please enter a whole decimal number: ');
case 2
fprintf(' Convert Binary Number to Decimal Number\n');
b = input(' Please enter a binary string : ');
case 3
fprintf( ' Thank you for using my program !!\n ');
fprintf( ' You Selected an Invalid Option, Please Choose Again ');
I need this program to start over or repeat its self from the beginning for every option other than case three. how would I go about doing that.

Best Answer

Do you mean this?
n = 1;
while n ~= 3
disp(' Choose an Option Below ');
disp(' 1 Convert Decimal Number to Binary Number');
disp(' 2 Convert Binary Number to Decimal Number');
disp(' 3 Exit');
n = input(' Enter Option Number You Desire: ');
switch n
case 1
fprintf(' Convert Decimal Number to Binary Number\n');
a = input(' Please enter a whole decimal number: ');
case 2
fprintf(' Convert Binary Number to Decimal Number\n');
b = input(' Please enter a binary string : ');
case 3
fprintf( ' Thank you for using my program !!\n ');
fprintf( ' You Selected an Invalid Option, Please Choose Again ');
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