MATLAB: Repeated printing of output when the code is run. How to change to print it only once


Output is printing twice in both command window as well as inside the plot. It is the same for fprintf and sprintf.
Example :
How to solve this?

Best Answer

This is because MEAN works along a dimension (the 1st by default) and not over the full array. See below:
>> A = rand(3, 4)
A =
0.8147 0.9134 0.2785 0.9649
0.9058 0.6324 0.5469 0.1576
0.1270 0.0975 0.9575 0.9706
>> m1 = mean(A) % Implicitly along dim 1.
m1 =
0.6158 0.5478 0.5943 0.6977
>> m1 = mean(A, 1) % Explicitly along dim 1.
m1 =
0.6158 0.5478 0.5943 0.6977
>> m2 = mean(A, 2) % Explicitly along dim 2.
m2 =
So what you are passing to S/F-PRINTF is a vector and not a scalar, and S/F-PRINTF repeats the format for all elements of the vector. If you want a to be the mean of all elements of x, use for example
a = mean( x(:) ) ;
Now a is a scalar. If you really need a mean per column (along dim 1) and to print it, update your formatSpec in the call to S/F-PRINTF, e.g.
a = mean( x ) ; % With x a two columns array.
fprintf( 'Mean per column = [%f, %f]', a ) ;
fprintf( 'Mean per column =\n' ) ;
disp( a ) ;