MATLAB: Repalacement of string with phone numbers


Hi; I am going to attempt that question: Each number on older telephone keypads, except 0 and 1, corresponds to three uppercase letters as shown in this list: 2 ABC, 3 DEF, 4 GHI, 5 JKL, 6 MNO, 7 PRS, 8 TUV, 9 WXY A phone-number specification can include uppercase letters other than Q and Z, digits, the # and * signs, spaces, parentheses and dashes. Write a function called dial that takes as its input argument a string of any length that includes only these characters and returns as its output argument a string containing the corresponding telephone number with only digits, spaces, and the # and * signs. Specifically, it does not change the digits, the # and * signs, or the spaces, but it replaces each parenthesis with a space and each dash with a space, and it converts each uppercase letter to a digit according to the list shown above. Here is the input and output for one example of a call of the function: Input: '1 (FUN) DOG-4-YOU #2' Output: '1 386 364 4 968 #2' Note that in this example there are three spaces in the input string and seven spaces in the output string. If the input does not meet the phone-number specification given above, the function returns an empty array. You are not allowed to use the built-in function strrep. I have no idea how make such function? help me… Thanks

Best Answer

function out = funbyMuhammad(in_char)
abc = ['()+-_',setdiff('A':'Z','QZ')];
d = ['#*','0':'9',' '];
if all(ismember(in_char,[abc,d]))
ii = [' ',sprintf('%d',kron(2:9,[1 1 1]))];
[lo,idx] = ismember(in_char,abc);
out = in_char;
out(lo) = ii(idx(lo));
out = [];
>> out = funbyMuhammad('1 (FUN) DOG-4-YOU #2')
out = 1 386 364 4 968 #2
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